🍀 Nature. 🤗 Nurture. ❤️ Love. That is the promise Andrea and Andrew from Utah want to make to your child.
🍀 Nature because all kids deserve adventure in the fresh air and sunshine. Our favorite family vacations are those to national parks where we explore the beauty of our world and our favorite afternoons are spent together hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, visiting a lake, swimming at a pool, or even just jumping on the trampoline in the backyard. With us, everyday is an adventure and we’re ready to share it.
🤗 Every child deserves a kind, patient, and compassionate home where they are nurtured and encouraged. As a stay-at-home mom, I promise to give your baby all the attention he or she needs and as a former teacher I promise to help your child learn and grow to fulfill their potential. With the help of my husband and our two doting children, your baby will never lack for a listening ear or a hug. As experienced parents, we know the fun and work newborns require and we’re prepared for both. Our first two children brought more joy into our lives than we could ever imagine, and we know our next little one will bring even more because our son and daughter will be experiencing it with us.
❤️ Last but not least, every child deserves a loving home, and that we can provide. We are a tight-knit family unit with extended family in our immediate area and family visiting frequently from across the nation. Grandma is our favorite babysitter and the aunts, uncles, and cousins are some of our favorite friends. We spend holidays, weekends, and birthdays with the family and when not with them, we’re spending time with our friends and community. Our favorite meals are shared with friends and some of our most memorable evenings are spent with our friends and neighbors around the firepit making s’mores.
Please consider Andrew and Andrea for your child. We can offer your child a stable home, a secure environment in which to learn and grow, and support throughout all of life’s ups and downs. We are ready to give your baby an outpouring of love and take him or her on our next adventure.
Please learn more about us at the-andies-adopt.com or reach out to us directly at theandiesadopt@gmail.com