Help us bless postpartum mothers with a postpartum care box! You can donate items, funds, or contribute to our supply closet. We support expecting mamas and mamas who have recently given birth all over the USA this year!
We send one care package per pregnancy to a mama in need. This can be a postpartum mom who recently gave birth or a mama we’ve supported through the adoption process.
Sign-up for a Postpartum Box
*Please double check your address to ensure your package is sent to the right location.*

• Get a box around the size of a shoe box
• You can go to the Dollar Store, Amazon, Walmart, Target, etc. Wherever you feel led to buy from.
• Items Ideas:
– Pads or Adult Diapers
– Cleansing Bottles
– Stool Softener
– Pain Relief Spray
– Nipple Balm (Lanolin)
– Ice Pack
– Nursing Pads (Re-Usable & Disposable)
– Nursing Tanks/Shirts
– Nursing Bras
– Advil
– Heating Pad
– Medicated Pads
quick,easy & problem-free