By Heather Mellott

This last week, I had the opportunity to interview Kyle McClintock about his thoughts on his pro-life stance and abortion. He has recently joined us as a volunteer as we navigate COVID and are seeking more men to join the pro-life movement. Here’s some of his thoughts from our interview.
Why are you pro-life?
I am pro-life because all life should be honored and treated with care. I believe that the idea of being pro-life extends not only from conception but all the way to natural death I am pro-life because I want to see my city, my state, and my country full of laughing and playing children; children that will become the next doctors, teachers, moms, engineers, and world leaders.
How long have you been pro-life?
I believe that I have always been pro-life. But I haven’t always advocated for the unborn. I admit that although I would have called myself pro-life, I think that I was confused about the issue for some time.
Do you believe abortion is a religious or moral issue?
I believe that abortion is both a religious and a moral issue. It is a religious issue because my faith teaches me that it is immoral to murder. It’s religious because Jesus loved children and we ought to love children because they are made in the image of God. It is also a moral issue, this is God’s world he created it and he is ordered our morality. All morality is not subjective morality but rather it is objective morality based on God’s revealed word. The morality of the protection of innocent babies is one that spans across religious beliefs.
Was your decision to be pro-life have anything to do with your faith?
The decision to be prolife is absolutely tied to my faith. All human beings are image bearers of God Almighty. It is the duty and honor of good Christians everywhere to stand up for the rights of those who are most vulnerable. I think that my faith motivates me to speak for and care for these precious babies. However, I do not believe that you must be a religious person to understand the issue of abortion.
What is your advice to men in a situation of an unplanned pregnancy and don’t know what to do?
My advice to a man who does not think he can support a pregnancy is that he can. A pregnancy turns a man into a father. Virtue is gained by being a good dad. There are few things in this world more satisfying than to be a protector and provider for your family. I’d tell him that you are able. That he can, with the right attitude, absolutely support a pregnancy and a child. In the short term, there are options available to help him and his partner get through the pregnancy. I would direct him to fine organizations like Adoption finder, the Pflugerville pregnancy center, my church for spiritual care, or many other similar agencies.
We hope that Kyle’s perspective helps encourage other men in this area. Men, you have an equal voice in the pro-life community and we WANT to hear your voice! Do not be afraid to speak up for children and protect them. It is your duty as men, especially for those of you who are Christian men.
If you are interested in connecting with Kyle or want to join our team, please fill out our volunteer application. We would love to connect.