Over the weekend my husband and I joined thousands of other pro-life believers and organizations in Austin, Texas at the capital building for March for Life 2020. The 2020 Texas Rally for Life will was held on Saturday, January 25, 2020. This year was our first year marching as an organization for the 47th annual March for life.
We were representing Adoption Finder which is a nonprofit organization that strives to bridge the gap between unplanned pregnancies and adopting families. We stand for those without a voice. Our organization is one that stands to love both women and children. We believe all life is valuable and we stood there for women and children from all walks of life.
The tragic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, which made abortion legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy. In the wake of Roe, legal abortion in our nation has claimed the lives of more than 60 million unborn children and has hurt countless women and men.
Here’s What We Saw
We met so many amazing people that stand for life from all over the great state of Texas. We connected with organizations such as 40 Days for Life, Coalition for Life, pregnancy care centers around Austin, and even a pastor running for Texas Senate. There are so many wonderful, passionate people working together for children in the womb, families, and women in need.
We worshiped and sang with a talented, enthusiastic band. I wasn’t familiar with all of the songs but it was simply peaceful and joyful praise. The melodies filled the air with the presence of something greater than ourselves. You could feel the energy of the people and it radiated around the Capital Building We all sang together and prayed for life, women, children, and for more people to set up to make a change for the lives of people affected by abortion.

We heard multiple true stories from people who had survived abortion, healing and redemption from abortion, how pregnancy centers around Texas are impacting the lives of women and children and fighting fear with love. We heard the love and forgiveness of God and it was a beautiful experience. This event I saw so much love and I saw the faces that stand for every human being to have the right to life. I watched the faces of abortion survivors tell their stories about surviving something designed only to take their life. These speakers spend time educating on the truth of abortion and share their life changing testimonies because 61 million others have perished due to abortion in the USA alone since Roe vs. Wade.
I heard their voices passionately explain how they are so thankful to be alive and that they are here with all of us today. I experienced their stories with empathy and tears ran down my face as I listened to how they forgave their birth mothers. I felt the power of God’s redemptive love in a situation that is dark and uncomfortable. I did not see hate at this event and I am pleased that I am a part of a movement speaking life, truth, and love over others.
What I Left With
I left March for Life with three main thoughts I want to share with all of you. The first point I carried away was hope. My hope multiplied after the event to a higher magnitude. I have a greater hope and understanding of who our organization, Hope Kids Inc is striving to help and serve. I share a common goal with families waiting to adopt. I empathize with women in crisis and I am able to connect with those who have survived abortion.
Our country was founded on the principles of freedom, liberty, and life. Abortion is one of the most grievous realities of our generation for human beings. Like slavery and genocide, babies in the womb have been dehumanized and labeled as everything but the truth. Human life is far too valuable to let this continue on. Where is humanity for our own species?
The second concept I went home with was the need to stand on common ground with those who have alternative beliefs. In college, I had a blog called [un]common ground. To this day I still love this saying. You will hear this in some of my videos, writing, and work if you follow what I do. I believe in finding the uncommon ground in the dark, ugly, uncomfortable areas of life and shedding light, love, and truth over them.

When we look at what Jesus did in His ministry and in His time on earth it is clear that we are to do the same. He didn’t spend all His time being waited on hand and foot, but He came to serve and teach us how to serve others (Matthew 20:28, Matthew 4:23). This means serving those who we don’t always agree with and showing them the same love of Christ (Matthew 5:44-45). Instead of shutting people down who have a different viewpoint, hear them out and have a conversation. Do not let your emotions get the best of you. Get to know why they believe what they believe and if the Holy Spirit prompts you shed light on the truth and speak truth when you are asked what you believe.
We have to stop using hurtful and hateful words towards each other (James 3:2-12). We cannot fight anger with anger, it only makes communicating on one of the most important topics in our generation seemingly impossible. The enemy wants us to stay divided, so that we cannot stand on common ground together and make headway on this issue. We have to put aside our agendas, our pride, and focus on what the actual root issue and how we can all unite to take on this topic in our society.

Lastly, leaving March for Life I saw purpose in my work and a deeper understanding and importance of what God has called me to do. I stood for life, adoption, women, families, and children in the foster care system. I believe being pro-life goes beyond the womb. I believe we should care just as much about the children and people already here on our amazing planet. We have the ability to make an impact in the lives of those around us and I want to seize every moment of opportunity. It is abundantly clear to me that there is a large gap between adoption, abortion, and foster care. As a citizen of the world I want to do everything I can to provide alternative solutions for both pro-life and pro-choice people to stand upon.
This isn’t about who is right or wrong or party names, I believe in the darkest of rooms it only takes a pinhole of light to illuminate what is hidden in darkness. That insignificant amount of light will grow and make known fears, anger, hurt, and the things creating separation. The light will show the solid ground we can all stand on. 2020 will be a year of change. Let’s find common ground.

Questions to think about
- What does it mean to me to be pro-life?
- How can I help educate others on controversial topics like abortion?
- Do I know enough information to take a stand?
- How many families are waiting to adopt in the USA?
- How many children are in foster care?
- How many babies are aborted every year?
For counseling and help healing from abortion check out ChristCenteredGirls.net