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Emily & Jeff Frame – Adoption Profile
Hello! We are Jeff, Emily, and Tommy and we are hoping to adopt a baby! 🏡 We live in Illinois ❤️ Hoping to complete our family through adoption 💑 Family is very important to us 🐕 We love all animals, especially dogs! 🗺️ We love to travel as a family ⚾ 🏒 Baseball and...
Government Assistance: 18 programs for single mothers with no income
According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, one in eight single moms is unemployed. If you’re currently out of work and struggling, the government can provide financial assistance and essential items for you and your children. These programs are being...
No Bake Lactation Cookies Recipe
I recently gave birth to my first child at the end of March 2022 and decided to breastfeed. Breastfeeding is no joke and requires so much time, dedication, and effort to make it work. Between pumping, eating, and all the tiny details, I didn’t realize how much work...
Interview with Kyle McClintock
By Heather Mellott This last week, I had the opportunity to interview Kyle McClintock about his thoughts on his pro-life stance and abortion. He has recently joined us as a volunteer as we navigate COVID and are seeking more men to join the pro-life movement. Here's...
Over the weekend my husband and I joined thousands of other pro-life believers and organizations in Austin, Texas at the capital building for March for Life 2020. The 2020 Texas Rally for Life will was held on Saturday, January 25, 2020. This year was our...
Affirming the Adoptee’s Reality: A Way to Intimacy
"The young child knows when the truth is being told and when it isn't.It's just amazing how much little children know of you, within and without." - Patricia McNulty, adoptee and Waldorf kindergarten teacher The road leading up to adoption is invariably a...