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Baby Month 1: Your Newborn Guide
It's a girl! It's a boy! (Or maybe it's even both, if you've had twins). Your newborn baby has arrived, and your life has forever changed. Here's what to expect during your newborn baby's first month of life. Those first few weeks with your new baby can be magical,...
Newborn Acne Problems?
"My 7-week-old baby has had acne since she was born. How do I treat baby acne? Is there anything I can do to clear up her skin?" Newborn Baby Acne Treatments and RemediesBelieve me, infant acne will go away — though it may take a while. No one knows for sure what...
Breastfeeding: Basics and Tips for Nursing Your Baby
They make it look so easy, those breastfeeding moms you’ve seen. Without skipping a beat of conversation or a bite of lunch, they open a button and latch on a baby, as if breastfeeding were the most natural process in the world. But while the source may be natural,...
How We Started
How We Started Adoption Finder, Inc is a non-profit with locations in WY & TX. We were founded by Heather Mellott. The organization was inspired by a vision Heather had. One day she was sitting at her desk working and started to see a vision of an app. The...