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Adopting Families!

The Smith’s

Hi! We are Brandon and Abigail Smith. We are Okies from the heartland and parents of 2. Brandon works from home as a Developer/Computer Engineer while I am a stay at home mom preparing to teach kindergarten to our first as we homeschool. 
We love everything outdoors and drive all over the state to hike. We’re more the “Glamping”/cabin loving people and enjoy any chance we get to “get away” and explore.
At home, we’re very much home bodies and just do the normal play with the kids, eat a lot, watch movies and hang out with family. We live very close to both sets of grandparents and not far from Brandon’s set of 7 cousins that bring over 13 kids under 10 to play with. 
We attend church regularly and love the group we’ve connected with. Anytime there’s a chance to get together, we do!
We are so excited to adopt! Brandon was adopted at birth and has had a heart for adoption his whole life. I have wanted to adopt ever since I was a teen. We have two bio-children: our heart warrior who is 5 (she has had 2 open heart surgeries) and our little man, who is 2. Both of my pregnancies were very difficult and after the second, I was advised to no longer carry. Still wanting 1 – 2 little ones, we are super excited to start the adoption process and very ready to add to our family.  Currently, we are home study approved and waiting for God to bring us a sweet third!

We are Certified!

The Wagner’s

Hi! We are David and Betsy Wagner from the suburbs of Denver, Colorado. We are a devoted Christian couple in our late 30s with two adorable fur-babies, Jake & Iggy. David was adopted as an infant from Korea, grew up in Colorado, and owns his own landscape design company. Whether in a neighborhood game of basketball, on the soccer field, or repairing old motorcycles, David is outgoing, athletic, creative, and adventurous. Betsy mostly grew up in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, but also lived in Kansas, Ohio, Iowa, France, Ukraine, and Arkansas, before making Colorado home ten years ago as a mental health therapist, professor, and consultant. She is a hospitable homebody who loves to travel, read, cook, and spend time with friends. Together we enjoy having friends and family over for dinner or drinks, playing darts in our basement or various yard games outside, going bowling, road trips on David’s motorcycle, and going hiking with the dogs. We love to work hard, play hard, and laugh hard together!

Even before we met, we each knew we wanted adoption to play a role in our lives, and we even talked about adoption on our first date! Betsy was diagnosed with infertility at 22, which only solidified her desire to adopt someday. And for David, as an adoptee himself, he has always wanted to “pay it forward” and show his own adopted children the love, acceptance, and sense of family that he has experienced.

We are open to any gender, race, or multiples, and we are open to whatever level of openness is right for you and the baby. We would be honored to get to know you and see if we would be the right family for you and your baby.


~David & Betsy Wagner

We are Certified!


The Aston’s

Hi! We are Vladamir and Mara Aston from southern New Mexico. We live in a small town with our four dogs and two cats. We have two teenage sons (from Mara’s previous marriage) that live in northern New Mexico with their dad and step-mother. Vladamir recently retired from the United States Air Force and currently works as a contractor on the base here in our little town. He has traveled and lived in multiple places before being stationed here; about an and a half from where he grew up in El Paso, Texas. His parents still reside in El Paso. Mara works from home running our newly started homemade dog treat business and will start a course to become a doula and birthing/newborn specialist in the fall. Mara was born in Georgia and moved to New Mexico when she was a young child. Mara has two teenage sons from a previous marriage. Her youngest is fourteen and visits quite often. Her oldest is almost seventeen and visits a few times a year. We enjoy the outdoors, museums. festivals, and sports. Really anything that we can enjoy together or with our sons when they’re home. We like to spend our weekends hiking together as a family or hosting friends for dinner and game nights. We are in our late 30s and early 40s and have known since we met that we wanted to have a family together. Mara is the youngest in her blended family and has siblings that were adopted. Adoption has always been something Mara has wanted to do since she was a child and something that God has put on Vladamir’s heart as well. We both have a strong faith in God and feel we are being led to add to our family through adoption.

We are Certified!


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